
Lac qui Parle County, Minnesota Obituaries


People of Bellingham were extremely sad Sunday when it was learned thatGrandpa Carpenter had passed away at the home of his grandson, Wm.Carpenter. Altho 90 years of age, yet Mr. Carpenter was hale and hearty andwas down town nearly every day. He hardly knew what it was to be sick andwhen he celebrated his ninetieth birthday last April he said he expected tolive to be a hundred.
Noah Lee Carpenter was born April 29, 1833, on a farm near Nashville,Tennessee. His mother was a second cousin of General Robert E. Lee. Whilea boy he attended the country public school. He was married in JeffersonCounty, Ill., while still young to Elizabeth Clink, and to this union fivechildren were born. His wife died in 1916 and a daughter at the age of sixteen.
Mr. Carpenter is survived by two sons: Sam Carpenter of Park Rapids,Minn., and Lem Carpenter of St. John, N.D. Also two daughters: Mrs.Kjonaas of Park Rapids, Minn., and Mrs. Marcott of Rolla, N.D. He hadseventeen grandchildren and twenty-six great grandchildren.
He was a very religious man and was converted at the age of 14 yearsand joined the Methodist church. He was always active in church work andwas licensed as a local preacher and served in this capacity when occasionoffered.
He came to Bellingham in 1917 and has since made his home with hisgrandson, Wm. He always attended the Evangelical church here and hepreached his last sermon in that church on his 90th birthday last April.
Mr. Carpenter took sick with pneumonia about a week ago and seemed torecover, but his heart gave out and he passed away last Sunday morning. Thefuneral services were held Tuesday from the Evangical Church.
Thus another of the old pioneers has left us to join the great array ofthose who have gone before."
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